You are the client and Chefs4Chefs is the supplier and contractor. You make arrangements with us for the placement of freelance chefs.
When you need to hire a chef, we list your assignment and select the best candidate for your situation. The chef you hire is the contractor of Chefs4Chefs. Do you have any questions about the (head) chef, or do you have any problems? You can contact us, Cees and Michel (owners of Chefs4Chefs), directly and we will be happy to help you quickly.
Since the introduction of the DBA Act (Assessment of Employment Relationships (Deregulation) Act, 2016), we work with (head) chefs on the basis of the 'Framework Agreement Freelance Chef.' This model agreement replaced the VAR (Employment Status Declaration), which was abolished on 1 May 2016. Chefs4Chefs was the first in the industry to introduce its own framework agreement, and this agreement has been accepted as a model agreement by the tax authorities.
If an occasional assignment leads to a longer-term assignment, we offer you the 'Framework Agreement Client' to minimise liability risks. It is important to us that the relationship runs smoothly and that everything is properly arranged, which is why we record all agreements in advance.